Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on. If you are using the Metro style on a Windows 8 mobile device, change to the Classic view or leverage HTML5 with LiveCycle ES4.LiveCycle ES4 provides a service that targets mobile devices using HTML5 the form creator must use that service to allow forms to be used on these devices. iOS, Android, and Blackberry mobile devices and smartphones do not support the Adobe Reader plug-in with XFA forms.For more information, see Adobe Reader mobile app. Opening policy-protected documents on mobile devices requires Adobe Reader for mobile.If you are trying to access XFA-based PDF forms or policy-protected documents on your mobile device, consider the following:.For more information, see Protected View (Windows only). Ensure that the Protected View mode in your Acrobat or Reader is disabled. Acrobat and Reader, on Microsoft® Windows®, allow you to configure to open PDFs in Protected View mode, which prevents XFA-based PDF forms and policy-protected documents from opening.For more information, see XFA-based PDF forms on Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. (32/64 bit) Zipped Installer 370.6 MB Download PDF-XChange Editor Plus Latest Stable Release: 9.5.368.0 (Updated on ) Supported Operating Systems: All current versions of MS Windows operating systems, and previous versions that are maintained with service updates from Microsoft, are supported for this product. To view XFA-based PDF forms in these browsers, you must configure to open PDFs using Acrobat or Reader. Browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome offer a built-in PDF viewer that does not support XFA-based PDF forms.See Adobe Downloads for downloading the latest Reader or Acrobat. XFA-based PDF forms and policy-protected documents require Adobe® Acrobat® or Adobe® Reader®, version 8 and later.Check for the following reasons if you are not able to open an XFA-based PDF form or a policy-protected document using Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management: